FAQ - Document Centre

To find a document:

  1. Do a search using keywords.
  2. Use filters to reduce the number of results returned.
  3. Change the display order by relevance, date (ascending), date (descending).
  4. Preview the content of the document.

 Remember to reset the filters before doing another search.

To remove all search filters from a group of filters, click on the  icon for the group in question.

If you have selected filters from several groups, you must complete this step for each group.
How information is displayed in the Advisor Centre is personalized to each advisor and profile. The same is true about documents available in the Document Centre. It is therefore possible to have differences in what you see compared to what your coworkers see.

When doing a search using an exact term, you must put the term in quotation marks.

Example: Search result not using an exact term


Example: Search result using an exact term


Wildcards can be useful when you do not know the exact spelling of a term or when you want to obtain all the variants of an expression.

The wildcards "*" and "?” are allowed in the documentation centre search.

  • Wildcards must be preceded by at least 2 characters in the search field;

  • The character "*" allows a broader search:

    • If it is placed at the end of a character string, all results containing this character string are displayed;

      • info* can be information, informal, informative, etc.

      • Example of search without "*": 

      • Example of search with "*": 

    • If placed in a word, the search returns all variants of this word;

      • Ex: In*n can correspond to Information, Intention, Inflation, etc.


  • The character "?" replace one word’s character and provides all variations of the search term;

    • 201? May correspond to 2015,2016,2017, etc.

    • Across? May correspond to acrose or across.

    • Example of search without "?":

    • Example of search with "?":


The Document Centre has an “intelligent” search engine.

It learns over time, as key words are entered in the search field.

The more a keyword is used, the more the Document Centre will suggest keywords, even if they contain typos.


To add a document to your favourites, click on the star to the right of the document name.


Document not added as a favourite


Document added as a favourite


You will be able to access your favourite documents from the Advisor Centre home page.

 The list will only appear if you have signed in to the Advisor Centre.

The search results are first listed by the relevance of the document name to the keywords entered, then by the number of times the keywords appear in the document.

The number of times the document has been accessed may affect its position in the search results list (the Document Centre has an “intelligent” search engine).

The search results can be viewed in the form of a list or a card (thumbnail).

Click on the appropriate  option to change how the results are displayed.

The number beside a search filter option indicates the number of documents associated with it.

Example 1: If the Claims option in the Category group is checked, the list of documents displayed on the screen will be limited to the ten documents that meet the filter criterion and the keywords entered.


Example 2: If Chinese is selected in the Language filter, the document list will contain 12 documents.

Documents in English and Chinese will correspond to the keywords used for the search.

If an  appears beside the filter name, at least one of the criteria has been selected.

If the box beside a filter criterion is checked, this means it has been selected.

Example: Category filter